P3003 (Routing Master Revisions) defect: The record you are trying to update has changed

Eric Lehti

VIP Member
P3003 (Routing Master Revisions) defect: The record you are trying to update has changed

P3003 (Routing Master Revisions) has defect (14610600) in Release A93 and in Release A92 cume 1, and has been reproduced and verified by Oracle tech support at both releases. We are somewhat surprised that we are the first users of P3003 to mention this.

Step 1. Inquire on an Item (e.g. Widget) with Routing type M. Modify the hours, key C in Action Code, and press Enter.

Step 2. Re-inquire on Widget (Routing type M).

Step 3. Key a different Routing Type for this Widget and press Enter to inquire on this record.

Step 4. Modify the hours, change Action Code to C and press Enter. The P000U window will display, saying record has changed since you last inquired.

Happens every time.