
Active Member
Hey List,
I've recently upgraded to PY7333 in Xe and we are going through all
of our testing right now and I'm having problems with OMW. When I go into
OMW and complete all of the steps to add a project and then when I do a
find, my newly created project doesn't show up. I've also looked in the
F98220 table and nothing is in there either. My jdedebug log says something
about the add project business function failing. Any ideas?
We hardly do any development here and what little we did was done in
CRP and then transferred to PROD. Because of that I'm only going to have
the PY and PD environments in Xe. But as I've recently learned OMW out of
the box really needs all environments to work properly. From what I
understand I need to change my configuration so that I can check out from PY
instead of DV. Can anyone give me some advice on how to set up my rules and
status'? Thanks for any help,

Xe sp 13 - SQL 7 sp 2 - NT

Justin Walker
OneWorld Systems Administrator
Colorado Christian University
[email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>

There are several nice document on the JDE KG about OMW.
You will need to change the activity rules if you want to check out
from PY. You might check document OTT-01-0040 "Project Statuses in Object
Management Workbench"
It might help shed some light on this.

Wade Wells
XE , XU1, SP15, SP15_002, SP15_006, SP15_007
Win2k DEP/Enterprise SQL2K
You need to do what I'm doing now. I'm looking at the statuses cycles and activity rules that came with Xe and customize them. I've ran R98230D and R98230C which shows status activity rules and transfer activity rules. I will also scribble on a blank piece of paper what needs to be done on day-to-day basis (where objects are developed and object movements). I will take the paper and compare it to standard OMW configuration.

Hey List,
I've recently upgraded to PY7333 in Xe and we are going through all
of our testing right now and I'm having problems with OMW. When I go into
OMW and complete all of the steps to add a project and then when I do a
find, my newly created project doesn't show up. I've also looked in the
F98220 table and nothing is in there either. My jdedebug log says something
about the add project business function failing. Any ideas?
We hardly do any development here and what little we did was done in
CRP and then transferred to PROD. Because of that I'm only going to have
the PY and PD environments in Xe. But as I've recently learned OMW out of
the box really needs all environments to work properly. From what I
understand I need to change my configuration so that I can check out from PY
instead of DV. Can anyone give me some advice on how to set up my rules and
status'? Thanks for any help,

Xe sp 13 - SQL 7 sp 2 - NT

Justin Walker
OneWorld Systems Administrator
Colorado Christian University
[email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>


C Ho
Intermediate Programmer/Analyst
B7322 SP 12.4
AS/400 coexistant with SQL Server 7.0
Sandbox: Xe AS/400 coexistant with CO on SQL 7.0
Hi Justin,

You have two choice generally:
1.) You modify the Status/Transfer Activity Rules of the original statuses, status promotions.
2.) Create new statuses, status promotions with their own Status/Transfer Activity Rules.

We have a custom Path Code and I followed the 2nd method to make possible to manage it. If you will also choose this way then I have an other tip for you how to create the lot of activity rules fast:

1.) Export the rules from an existing status/status promotion into Excel.
2.) Change the From and To locations using the Replace function of Excel.
3.) Import the modified rules from Excel into the new status/status promotion.

Do not forget to extend the Allowed Actions accordingly, although as PVC Administrator you can use the new statuses immediatly.
Maybe you have to change the status of the Deafault Project too.

WARNING! Status Codes and User Roles are UDCs, so they are Environment(Control Tables data sources) dependent!!!! (do not ask me why, while most of Object Management Configuration settings are global in the system). So you have to Promote or Re-Enter these UDCs To or Under all environments.
(please, see also a previous post from me abaout "Promoting UDCs..." sent on this week onto both XE List/Forum).

Good luck
Read You Again Here if you have any problem,


B7332 SP11, ESU 4116422, Intel NT4, SQL 7 SP1
(working with B7321, B7331, XE too)
We have recently watched the sage cams that are available on the Knowlege
Garden for download. You can find them by going to the following:

Services/Education/Help Me Learn/XE Education Information/OMW/OMC

We found them to be helpful.

XE, SP 14.2, XU 1 - PROD & Prototype. SQL 7 Prototype& DEV

Carol Payne
Systems Analyst
Premium Allied Tool, Inc.
[email protected]
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