Need to load Time Entry into Batch TE File F06116Z1


Well Known Member
I have been trying to figure out how to load Year to Date data

We are working through a upgrade from ERP 8 to ERP9.1 and we want to load the YTD values for all employees before we go live.

I have found R47002C | XJDE0031 but I don't know if this will work or how I need to get everything configured to have it read the flat file.

I have been to the Oracle site and gotten some documentation but I find it more helpful to get information from people who have already been there and done that :)

Would anyone be able to help me out with this or at least point me in the direction of some useful documentation that could help me with configuration.

The Time Entry Batch File (F06116z1) feeds only the Time Entry file (F06116) and is most commonly used to interface third-party time collection systems, such as “smart clocks”, web-based time and attendance systems, etc.
Oracle provides a Payroll Conversion process which may be used to load employee detail payroll history including time and pay, employee deductions, employee and employer taxes, etc.
See chapter nine in the Oracle Payroll Implementation guide (version 9.0). The process is complex as multiple tables need to be loaded with the different parts of what makes up an employee paycheck.
Good luck with this.