Need a way to monitor jobs run locally


Active Member
We are experiencing performance issues from time to time on our enterprise server and need a way to "see" if jobs running locally could be causing the degradation of performance.

We are running fat client on Xe/WinNT/MSSQL 2000

Thanks in advance for any help.

Tom W
How could a job running locally on a client affect the performance of the Enterprise Server?
I can think of One way.

Exports often are placed in a single threaded queue - because they clear
their export file before running. If a user is running an export locally,
at the same time the same export hits the queue - there will be a file lock
(clear physical file will not clear on a TC). The same affect when a user
has UTB locking a file that is bound to be cleared by a TC.

Other than file locking issues, when a report has been composed to be single
threaded, I'm with you - Jolly - I don't see locally run jobs creating a
performance issue on the ES.



From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On
Behalf Of jolly
Sent: Wednesday, November 09, 2005 4:36 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Need a way to monitor jobs run locally

How could a job running locally on a client affect the performance of the
Enterprise Server?

OneWorld Xe Update 6 SP22, HP/UX, Oracle 8/9, AS400, Win2K, WinXP Check out
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The degadation of performance may be caused by local jobs hitting the database hard.

I suggest you monitor the database activity with an appropriate tool. SQL Profiler can dump the activity on the database. Make sure you select appropriate columns for the analysis (workstation name, etc). You can save a trace to a table and summarize the information that will tell you how "hungry" each workstation is for database resource.

Hope this helps you getting started!