Media Objects on Unix JAS server / Unix share


VIP Member

We are having issues with Media Objects on our JAS server:

1. If we store the media objects on the jas server itself, it works great, we can see the objects and they are saved on the drive. The only issue with this is that the path from the P98MOQUE application is appended to the MO QUE setting we configured in the JAS.INI. In addition, we have 2 JAS servers in Production, so we would like to write the objects to a Unix Share.

2. I found a document describing how to conifgure FTP to enable a Unix JAS server to read/write to the Deployment Server. This again is not what we want to do we want to write directly to the Unix share, not via FTP.

I have tried numberous configurations of the jas.ini and p98moque, and none of them have worked. One weird thing, is that I can see that the JAS server attempts to put a file out on the share, but for some reason the file cannot be read. Once I bounce JAS, the file actually disappears, so it only exists in the share while JAS is up.

So, my question is this: How do I properly configure our Unix JAS server to use a Unix share without utlizing FTP???

We are on Solaris 9/Oracle 9i.

When you say "Unix Share" do you mean a directory or an NFS mount or CIFS (Samba) mount?

I haven't tried this yet but try CIFS client on the JAS servers. It should be a good balance between the MOQUE settings and the UNIX instance.

If you get to try it out in a lab or development environment before I do, let us know.
We are using a network appliance, so it is an NFS mount. We are unable to get it to work, and PSFT has said the only work around they will support for our issue is FTP. However, I am unable to get the FTP to the Unix server to work, and I tried to get it to work directly from the Windows server (which we can write/read to/from just fine). So, I am stuck... It appears that although the system side functionality works just fine (we can read/write to the network appliance just fine from both Unix and Windows, there is something in te configuration which requires a local drive...

Pretty much every NAS appliance I've ever seen has UNC accessibility - hence my previous recommendation for you to try a CIFS/Samba client on the UNIX server. If you can connect to the media objects directory on the deployment server, it should be no different to connect to a share on the NAS.
I am in agreement with you, I can write/read from both Unix and Windows. I ahve configured the Deployment Server for FTP access, and followed the document (Solution ID 200986769), but I still cannot get it to work correctly, I can see that the file is getting written to the proper location defined in P98MOQUE, however, I am unable to read the document, I keep getting a pop up stating The page cannot be found:

The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.

I am a little stuck right now. I would love to have this work on the Dep server and then move from there.

I'm not sure if this helps you any. I am using FTP for the media object storage. In our non-production environments, the MO are stored on the Dep Server and in Prod they are stored on a separate server. Both MO servers are Windows, but we are using FTP.

It appears the format your share is in the P98MOQUE is \\servername\FTPVirtualDirectory. For example, in Prod, we have an FTP virtual directory called JDEMediaObj that points to G:\JDEMediaObj. In P98MOQUE, our HTMLUpload path is defined as \\MOSERVER\JDEMediaObj\MEDIAOBJ\HTMLUpload. On the physical server, the attachments are put in G:\JDEMediaObj\MEDIAOBJ\HTMLUpload.

Regarding your comment that it looks like the files are put in the correct spot when adding the attachment, but you are unable to view later on, do the files you are attaching have spaces in the filename?

There are no spaces in the names, in fact when the files get stored, the names get changed to "FILE-<unique numbering>" format. I can pull up the files outside of JAS, but from within JAS, I am getting the page cannot be displayed error.

What do you have listed as the HTMLUpload queue in your P98MOQUE?

From your JAS server, can you test the FTP connectivity manually? For example, my non-Prod HTMLUpload queue is defined as \\jde-dpy-p1\b7333\MEDIAOBJ\HTMLUpload. So, from a DV web server, I open an FTP session to jde-dpy-p1 and log in as the userid and password specified in the jas.ini file. Then cd to b7333. I then verify I can see the MEDIAOBJ folder. If so, I then cd to MEDIAOBJ\HTMLUpload and make sure I can put and get files.
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