Maximum business view tables in a UBE


Is there a maximum number of tables in a business view when being used by a UBE? I am getting the following error in JDEDEBUG.LOG:

SQL0000029 - Number of tables in JOIN exceeds total number supported (3)

My bv has four tables in it. Is there a way to get around this if there is a limitation?

I think the limit is 3 tables if you have joins other than "simple".
You should have received the error message while in view design.

cdhimmel wrote:

There are a few ways to get around this. You could disconnect one of the tables from your business view, and then manually retrieve the data from the disconnected table(s) using Table I/O calls from within your UBE. This is more programming-intensive, but you isolate the change to your program.

You can also create a "fake" table, which behind the scenes is really a view that joins two or more tables. First, you define the "fake" table in OMW and generate it. Next, in your database, your DBA replaces the "fake" table with the view. For a more detailed explanation, please search the JDEList forums -- it has been discussed numerous times in the past.
try Section Joins instead of Business View Join.


Best Regards,
Bassel Magdy
Hi Christopher,

First of all, you are welcome aboard of JDEList.

ott-00-0037 white-paper describes the limitation and you can find and download from Solution ID# 200783476 of PSFT site.
· If all joins in the Business View are simple joins, the limit is 5 tables.
· If any one of the joins within the Business View is an outer join, there is a limit of 3 tables allowed in the Business View.
· If it is a union business view, there is a limit of 3 tables allowed in the Business View.
· If the tables exist in different data sources, and a cross data source join is being created, there is a limit of 2 tables in the business view.

On the otherhand, the other Listers' suggestions work well as work around of this limitations.



Does the same limit on simple joins, unions and outer joins in Business View still apply to E9.1?
Tools Release and higher allow up to 15 tables per view - simple or outer joins. See Oracle Doc 626448.1
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