

Well Known Member
Hi List,

I've been trying to implement XAPI for quite some time now. The scenario is this: A users enters the new customer information on a form, and clicks on a button to get the customer's credit score. The customer's information is passed on to a Credit Bureau via XML file. The Bureau sends back the customer's credit score. Based on the score, the customer's credit limit is set.

I've set up an outbound XPAI Event in definition, subscriber enrollment and logical subscriber (XML Broker Server). I've created a BSFN which calls the XAPI APIs which triggers the IEO Kernel, which in turn calls the EVN Kernel to send the XML file to the logical subscriber with DXAPIROUTE element (which includes the IP address of the user, magic number and the callback BSFN when the XML file is returned).

The Credit Bureau send back the file and I upload the XML file to XML Service Kernel. The XML Service kernel calls the BSFN specified in DXAPIROUTE element. The BSFN parses the XML file and it process the data.

At this point, we would like to display the score to the users screen.

Now according to JDE, if you call jdeRTKTriggerClientEvent it will trigger an event on the client machine. There is no documentation on what event it will trigger...here is the information I got from JDE:

Depending on how the call back business function is implemented, the XML

service kernel may or may not notify the client of the XAPI reply. If the

call back business function does not call the jdeRTKTriggerClientEvent

function, then the client will not receive notification of the XPI reply.

However, if the jdeRTKTriggerClientEvent function is invoked by the call

back business function, then the XML service kernel uses the four pieces of

information to send a JDENET message of type #27 to the client for

notification of the XAPI reply. If the client receives a JDENET message of

type #27, it uses the magic number it receives to invoke the appropriate

event rules to notify the application that originally sent the XAPI


NOTE: The JDE.INI file for the PeopleSoft client must be setup to listen

for JDENET messages of type #27. To do the setup, make sure that the

JDE.INI file contains the following settings.









I've asked JDE how I can listen to this on the client side and they guy told me it's a "billable support". Can anybody help please?

Thanks, Wes