jdeCallObject and Transactions


VIP Member
Hello All,

I notice that when calling a BSFN from an ER, that there is an "Include in Transaction" checkbox. I assume that this causes the called BSFN to run within the transaction boundaries of the caller, rather than creating it's own nested transaction. In other words, if the caller has inserted a table row, the callee will be able to fetch that row if the box was checked, but otherwise wouldn't.

Is my understanding correct? If so, how to I do the same thing when using jdeCallObject to call a BSFN? I'm guessing I can mess with the attributes of the BHVRCOM object before the call?

Where's the documentation for this?

Transaction in OW are working different in 2 way depending the call is do in a UBE or a APPL.
If you are caling from UBE you must do a Begin Transaction ... Rollback Transaction || Commit transaction command by yourself
If you are calling from a APPL you dont need to do Begin/Commit/Rollback, but by only coaching Include in transaction and check the the APPL(Fix/Inspect,Header Detail,Headerless Detail) is configure for accepting transaction and just in the events : OK Button Clicked, OK Post Button Clicked, .... etc see the Developpement Tools
I never use with jdeCallObject, but i presume that you must do somthing like that:
jdeCallObject(Begin Transaction)
jdeCallObject(Commit Transaction)
jdeCallObject(Rollback Transaction)

If you are trying tell me your result, thanks!
