JAS web client issue using M & D debug business function


Active Member
Dear JDEList,

Is any one knows. Possible to debug JAS web client issue using M & D debug business function.

Is there any way to debug JAS web client issue.

Your help and suggestion will be appreciated.

Thanks and best regards.

JDEdwards Technical consultant

XE -> E900
You cant use MD debug in an HTML client. I believe it is a C client only BSFN. Client only BSFNs that execute on a JAS server must be a NER. Client only NERs execute as an interpreted NER, in other words the C code that gets generated and compiled locally will never actually execute, but instead the actual ER code executes as if it were part of the APPL.

At one point I had created an HTML debug function that basically worked the same was as MD debug but it launched a msg form in the browser. However, that was back in Xe and since the normal ER debugger works perfectly fine in 9.0 with the JAS client I never converted the objects from Xe.

If you are on a version of E1 where the ER debugger doesnt work with the JAS client, then you can easily create an HTML version of MD debug. Simply create a client only NER that has the same DS as MD_Debug and have the NER launch a msg form that displays all the passed values.

BTW, launching an APPL executing on a JAS server from a BSFN is the only thing I have found that an NER can do that a C BSFN cannot.