ILPAID and ILUNCS are not getting populated in cardex for certain orders


ILPAID and ILUNCS are not getting populated in cardex for certain orders. Do you have any idea. Please help. this is urgent.
Hi Veera

Not much information to go by.... Could you pls provide more details (like E1 version and configuration) in your future posts.

Anyway, did you check if you have your cost file setup correctly (F4105). What type of transactions do you have problems with? What is the application or UBE that is run?

Are you using a new branch plant? A new item? A new order type? A new line type?

The reason I ask is I have come across this a long time ago on version 7.33 and I'm sure it was due new setup, but can't remember for the life of me what it was!
Hi Veera! Have you checked the cost on the sales order lines? (if sales orders is the problem here)
also verify that the sales/inventory cost is not zero in P4105

Hope this helps
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