Httpd not starting correctly


Active Member
Hi list,

My Enterprise server : Sun Solaris with Oracle 9i working good
Web Server: Sun Solaris
WebSphere verion: 4.0.1 fix pack 4.0
JAS : OW Xe SP21

Installed IBM WebSphere on sun solaris went on well. WebSphere services have started. Snoop is working fine. Installed JAS on top of it. I make changes to httpd.conf file located @ /opt/IBMHTTPD/
Made the following changes”
Listen 80
Listen 81
NameVirtualHost igwssvr:81

<VirtualHost igwssvr:81>
Alias /jde /u02/JDEdwards/JAS/EA_JDEdwards_1/webclient.war/

Alias /jde /u02/JDEdwards/JAS/EA_JDEdwards_1/webclient.war/

<Directory /u02/JDEdwards/JAS/EA_JDEdwards_1/webclient.war/WEB-INF/>
Order Deny,Allow
Allow from All

restarted the web sphere service and attempted to restart the httpd service thru ./apachectl –start

[Tue Jan 17 17:18:55 2006] [error] Cannot resolve host name --- ignoring!
Httpd is starting without it

My observation for the last two day of trouble shooting is:
During JAS installation I selected WebSphere 4.0 advanced Edition Single server option.
I noticed it didn’t’ ask for port number at all, to confirm this the EA_JDEdwards_1_XX(port number suffix) is missing in my folder name(see above path defined in httpd file).

I am unable to proceed further,

you do not need this directive
<VirtualHost> remove it.
tried comenting out the line, no luck!, is not working.
