How to disable Databrowser on the web

Jaise James

Reputable Poster

what is the best way to disable databrowser on the web. ( one way I founf is by disbaling the folder itself on the webserver). Does any oen know of any other method.

Appreicate your commnets/suggestion

Did you ever get any suggestions on disabling the databrowser? I've done the rename of the folder on the web server.

According to Solution Id 200972314, you can use external call security to secure the DATABROWSER application.

I'm not having any luck finding Solution Id 200972314 on Customer Connection. Could you please post it's contents?

thanks Maria
Hi Maria,

Here are the contents of solution ID - 200972314

<font color="blue">
E1: SEC: Security for Data Browser on Web Client

Details: SOLUTION ID 200972314:

E1: SEC: Security for Data Browser on Web Client

I am trying to define security for the Data Browser application available on the web client. I would like to secure specific users from having access to the Data Browser application. Can this be defined within Security Workbench and if so, how?

The Data Browser is available beginning with the EnterpriseOne tools release 8.94. At this release, the security that is available is External Calls security. However, this is only available at the *PUBLIC or global level. Within External Calls security for the *PUBLIC User Role use the keyword DATABROWSER and add it to the secured node. This security will either allow all users to access the Data Browser or prevent access to this application for all users. Currently, it is not possible to define security at the individual user or role level. Only *PUBLIC security is available. See the attached screenshot showing the security setup.

Beginning with EnterpriseOne Tools release 8.95 and application release 8.10 SP1, a new Data Browser option will be available in Security Workbench that will allow for additional security settings for the data browser application and allow security to be defined at the User, Role and *PUBLIC level.

SPECIFIC TO: EnterpriseOne Tools Release 8.94


There is also a PPT attached on this solution. I can mail it to you if you want. It just shows a screen shot of P00950 and the enrty u need to make to secure the Data Browser

Also just a small tip for locating a specific Solution ID on KG ,go into the "Advanced Search" on the solution search page and put the solution id no in the "Solution ID" "Equals" field, and it should pull it up for you