How To Change the Report Title Translation



Active Member
Hi friends... meaby i do it before, but don't remember.

I need to change the translation to spanish of a report, to appear in the pdf the new translation.

Anybody have an idea...
thaks a lot

and zorry for my english.
Hi Nazareno,

My tehcnique is the follows:
Replace original Report Title with a Char Variable - aligned centered and name it as "Report Title"
Create a Text Variable as - let say as "My Report" for example.
In the "Do Section" event of the section do an assigment:
RV My report = TV "XXX-YYY"
Here you can enter translations for text variable and it will work.


Hi Nazareno,

It was late night, when I wrote my previous reply and I missed it a bit, so again:

Replace original Report Title with a Char Variable - aligned centered and name it as "Report Title".
Create a Text Variable with the required content - let say as "This is my Report" for example.
In the "Do Section" event of Page Header section do an assigment:
RV Report Title = TV This is my Report
Here you can enter translations for text variable and it will work.

I use this technique for Form Titles too.


ok, the case that you offer, is exactly what i di, but my question point to answer about if you know how can i change the translate standar of a report title. For example if you run the report R43500 whitout language preferences this show in the report title "Purchase Order Print" but if you run the same report whit language preference set to AR the report title shows "Impresion de Orden de Compra" so i want to change the text when you run it whit language preference set to AR so the report title shows "Impresion de Orden de Compra - Final" for example...

zorry for my terrible english...
We have a tool for this, but you never said what your JDE release was?