How to change a Warning into an Error message



I am in P31113 / W31113D. Whenever I enter a Lot number where the Expiration date is before todays date, I get a warning.

I want to change this warning into an error which cannot be processed just by clicking OK again. The user has to select a different Lot with a Expiration date after today...

I believe its just a simple thing.. but my development course is toooooooo long ago....

Thanks for your help...

In P92002, you should find your warning message (by description or dataItem).

Then, you select it and change the error level from 2 to 1.

I'm not sure this is allowed in best practices.

Instead of trying to change the warning into an error directly, consider using something like R41082 to run nightly, updating all expired lots to E hold status. P31113 already has processing options that should then give you the desired error. The "E" status might have an added advantage of giving a bit more visibility to your users of expired lots throughout the system.