how to Call NER with C business function

search and find any example of a function using jdeCallObject. Just do a text search on the \source folder and you should find thousands of examples.
thanks for the tip.
i getting the following warning and SDLITM is coming as blank value.

c:\e812\DV812\source\B4500050.c(4855) : warning C4066: characters beyond first in wide-character constant ignored
c:\e812\DV812\source\B4500050.c(4855) : warning C4047: '!=' : 'JCHAR (*)[3]' differs in levels of indirection from 'int'
c:\e812\DV812\source\B4500050.c(6910) : warning C4066: characters beyond first in wide-character constant ignored
c:\e812\DV812\source\B4500050.c(6910) : warning C4047: '!=' : 'JCHAR (*)[3]' differs in levels of indirection from 'int'
jdeStrcpy((JCHAR *)dsD590101S.szIdentifier2ndItem,( const JCHAR *)lpdsF4211->sdlitm);
jdeStrcpy((JCHAR *)dsD590101S.szRackEndUse,( const JCHAR *)lpdsF4211->sdeuse);
MathCopy( &dsD590101S.mnAddressNumberShipTo , &lpdsF4211->sdshan );

idReturnCode = jdeCallObject(_J("GetCustPriceDateCDandEffTime"), NULL,
lpBhvrCom,(void *)lpVoid, &dsD590101S,(CALLMAP *)NULL,
(int)0, (JCHAR *)NULL, (JCHAR *)NULL, (int)0);
if (idReturnCode != ER_SUCCESS)
IntToMathNumeric(240000, &mnTimeofDay);
else if (&dsD590101S.szRetTransDateCdRet != _J('01'))
IntToMathNumeric(240000, &mnTimeofDay);
You can't compare strings like you can for other variables. In C you need to you functions like jdeStrcmp.
See attachment


  • 182461-Steps to call NER from a C Master Business Function.doc
    695.5 KB · Views: 374
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