How can i run the Debug Application from the menu GH902 in EO 8.12



Active Member
Hi, first zorry for my horrible ingles i am from argentina.
I need to debug a custom application an i cant`t do this from de menu GH902 i see de link to debug application and can run this an load de app to debug, but when i run the app this don´t break to the debug, please help me.

Bye..and thanks..

Saludos y gracias..desde Cordoba-Argentina
Are you running the application from a web dev machine? In order to debug applications with the web client, you have to start the debugger on your web dev client, and then run the application from that web dev machine.
Hi Nazareno,

Does debugger show any error message?
Or it just doesn't stop at the breakpoints?
Are you debugging UBEs or APPLs?

Have a nice day in beautiful, warm and sunny Córdoba!
Im debugging an APPL and the debugger just doesn't stop at the breakpoints.
And the appl run on the local web server.