GL Classes


Well Known Member
Hi List!

Some folks over here are considering changing all GL Class codes for our products. I don't like this because the ramifications are so complex... We're using Distribution, Financials and Fixed Assets modules.

I'd love to hear some opinions from you guys on this and, possibly, on any strategies to do so if needed (although I honestly can't think of any reason that would justify such a change when everything's working just fine - or almost :)

Actually Jeff I did this at one of my clients... We changed all of our
items, but it was actually to simply the G/L posting codes and DMAAIs and
not add more values to the G/L Posting codes... there were some issues with
Credit orders from history... and such... but we were able to do it over a
weekend with some good planning and had very little issue with it...

Some folks over here are considering changing all GL Class codes for our
products. I don't like this because the ramifications are so complex...
We're using Distribution, Financials and Fixed Assets modules.

I'd love to hear some opinions from you guys on this and, possibly, on any
strategies to do so if needed (although I honestly can't think of any reason
that would justify such a change when everything's working just fine - or
almost :)


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This may be a stretch, but what is the reasoning begind this? And can you be
more specific? They intend to change each and every SKU's "GLPT" (GL class
code)? Will they split existing groups up, or will the existing groups stay
the same?
Changing AAI's would not do what they want?
I hope to heaven its not just for reporting purposes.
Just ask the finance guys who is going to change all the AAI's? That is
where the bulk of the work is done.
Good Luck

Hal McGee
Engineering Data Manager
Group Engineering - Process and Compliance
Seating Products Group
B/E Aerospace
Winston-Salem, NC
Re: RE: GL Classes

Actually I'm having a meeting wiht them in a couple of hours to figure out the details... But I can bet money that, yes, it's all probably for reporting issues...

And, BTW, it's the Finance folks who've come up with that!!

In regard to changin multiple AAI's, if you go into the AAI screen,
there is F16 that allows multiple changes by item number, if this helps.
Otherwise, a WorldWriter would do it.

Jill Fralick
ABB Flexible Automation
Auburn Hills, MI 48313
A7.3 cum 10
(248) 391-8618
There was an article written in the January issue of the e-zine that you may want to check out.

D D CHANGING G/L CLASS – by Pat Martino, Focus Systems. Eliminate the
risk for handling this tricky change to your setup, post go-live.
Re: RE: GL Classes

Hi guys,

Just wanted to say a big thank-you to all of you. You've been really really helpful.

Thanks again,
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