Fixed Assets Depriciation Calculation help required !


Active Member
Hello List,
I am facing one difficulty in calculation of depriciation of Fixed Assets problem is like :-
1.Our Financial year is from July to June.
2.We have gone live on 1st of September.
3.We have calculated WDV (Written Down Value) of assets as On 30th June 2005 & Accumulated depriciation.
4.We have calculated depriciation of 2 months of current year before going live and we have deducted it from WDV as on 30th of june.
5.So now depriciation calculation we want to do only for 10 months starting from Sept 05 to June 06.

In short we have migrated Assets balances after deducting 2 months depriciation of current year into JDE but now whenever we are running depriciation system is calculating for full year infact it should exclude 2 months for which we have already calculated depriciation.

Can somebody help me please.


I am having a hard time understanding excatly what you did.

That being said, what value did populate in the F1202 Beginning Balance field?
Hope the following notes will clear your doubts
Use the Beginning Balance Setup program to set up beginning balances for individual assets, groups of assets that share the same cost, accumulated depreciation, or secondary accumulated depreciation accounts. You can use Beginning Balance Setup whether you are starting out with the J.D. Edwards Fixed Assets system or converting to it. Beginning balances for your assets are stored in the Asset Account Balances table (F1202).

Use Beginning Balance Setup to complete the following tasks:

Enter beginning balances at system setup or during a conversion after general ledger balances have already been converted
Change the cost basis of a ledger, other than the Actual Amounts (AA) ledger

When you create beginning balances, you must first enter the master information for each asset in the system. Next, you must enter the cost, accumulated depreciation, and secondary accumulated depreciation balances for each asset, as of the last day of the previous fiscal year, into Beginning Balances. When you enter these amounts, the Beginning Balance Setup program automatically posts the entries to fixed assets. Finally, run the depreciation program to calculate depreciation for each month to update asset depreciation amounts to the current date.
abm is correct. You have to enter your balances as of the last date of your fiscal year in beginning balance setup. Then you must run R12855 for every month up to the conversion date and not post to the F0911.

Basically you have to post to your F1202 net posting fields even for months prior to conversion.
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