Expired tools release


I have a client that is on tools release and their enterprise server is an AS400. They want to add a second Windows enterprise server but they had never downloaded the Windows version of enterprise server. Now I cannot find it for down load anywhere. So, the question is, does anyone know where to download this or have a copy they can send me?
I've never had to do this myself but it's my understanding that if you open an Oracle SR they'll make this available to you.
They do allow that sometimes but it helps if your client makes Oracle a LOT of money. Also be ready to write your request in blood, give up a few kids, and give a donation to the Oracle Boat.

Best option would be to go through your Oracle Client Manager or Sales Rep.

Be ready to defend why you don't just "upgrade".

If you can find someone that downloaded the files and is willing to send them to you, that's probably the easiest.
I have done this in the past. Create a 'Contact Us' SR you will need to do it from Service Requests tab in support, not from the dashboard.
