Executing an Interactive Application Version



Legendary Poster
I found out there are SOME things you need to be aware of, when launching an Interactive Application.
A) Using the Solution Explorer
a) Currently, tasks cannot be created; Sol Expl is not a standard within our company as of yet, it wasn't set-up, therefore
b) I use OMW's Versions list to Develop & TEST the mods, altogether.
c) Recently, I noticed that: in order to test the mods I've done on P4220 Serial Numbers, I was entering a Shipped Quantity into the initiating application P4205 Ship Confirmation (accessed by running one of its custom versions from Ineractive Versions, OR from OMW/Versions) which was returning the error: "Invalid Order Type"!?

B) A similar test done from within OW Explorer
a) Here I can and DO use an already defined menu to run the custom P4205's version; there's no error of any kind!
b) If I am accessing the P4205 from Interactive Versions OR OMW's Version List, I get that error, again.

Can anybody explain why is this happening, please?
Thank you,
Adrian Chimirel

Xe U3 SP17, Oracle 806, Citrix, HTML, FormScape 2.1 Ent RS/6000, AIX 4.2, Dep NT4

I have seen something like that.
A programmer called me when he executed an Interactive Version from OMW
and the POs were not passed to the application.
We started the same app from a menue and it worked.

My conclusion was that OMW does pass POs to the app.

Hope this helped, Gerd
Hi Adrian / Gerd

Sars 5278301 and 5234957 may shine some more light on your issue. When running an App from IV, it essentially tries to run ZJDE0001. This is a real trap!


Sef van den Nieuwelaar
B732 on NT, XE on NT, B732/A73 on AS400, B733 on NT

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Hi Sef,
The referenced SARs did enlighten me (a bit), however I'm interested in your workaround, as JDEdwards moved both SARs in Return-Redesign NOT Planned status :(
- Was it Gerd's one (execute APPL from a menu), OR
- Did you modify B9800370 (I feel an irresistible attraction to this particular option, as the change seems pretty affordable to my current C-skills :)
Thanks for your (always) valuable inputs,
Adrian Chimirel
PS1 A trap it is! Tried the change and IV won't execute ANY version!
PS2 I propose to get this issue on the Tips & Traps Forum, with a DON'T DO IT piece of advice.
<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by Adrian_Chimirel on 3/27/02 07:06 AM.</FONT></P>
Hi Adrian

I have just entered a new post into the 'tips and traps' forum, summarising this issue.

I have not attempted any fixes myself. The only thing I can suggest is to disable the row exit through FDA.


Sef van den Nieuwelaar
B732 on NT, XE on NT, B732/A73 on AS400, B733 on NT

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