Do attachments get lost during an upgrade?


Active Member
Hello there.

Hopefully this is a quick and painless question... We recently upgraded to OneWorld XE. A user approached me today and asked if the "Problem with attachments has been fixed". Apparently, someone told this user that any attachment (media object) made to a record in JDE would be lost with a system upgrade. Has anyone out there had exposure to this? Have you upgraded and your attachments have been fine? Did a quick search on the KG, and didn't turn anything up... This may be an "Urban Legend" of sorts.

Please let me know your thoughts!
No, you should not lose your attachments. That is unless the update throws up a specific bug relating to a single Media Object and/or the ER dealing with it.

This is not really an urban legend. I saw it a while back with some upgrades from B732 to B733. The attachments themselves did not get lost but rather the media object key format had changed and at the time the upgrade process was not always converting those keys properly.
This problem has gone away in B733x to XE upgrades as far as I know.

There is an important point with B733x to XE upgrades that is discussed in KG document OTM-01-0061. The upgrade process does not move your media object files for you into the new XE directory structure. It will upgrade the F00165 table but you will need to copy the files themselves from the old MEDIAOBJ location to the new XE location.
