Displaying total line in grid (Find/ Browse)



I need to display a total line in the grid of Find/ Browse. This will display the totals of selected grid columns. This works great with me if it were be asked to display at the bottom of grid. But as per user's requirement, I have to make it at the top of grid. This also works great if i have few records that can fit to the grid. If the records are more, then it is not displaying at the initial moment. It will be displayed after all records were scrolled in the grid.

But the user needs it after saying 'FIND', immeterial of no of records that we have. We can acheive this by using Table I/O and disabling form functionality. It is a tough task for me to use Table I/O, as I am having lot of form controls in the form as filter fields.

Suggest me a feasible solution that matches my requirement

Go into the grid properties on the form you're working with. There is an option you can check to disable page-at-a-time processing. By checking this, it will force the program to read all records instead of just the first "page". I think this will help.
Thanks Don Sauve. The idea worked excellently!!

It helped me a lot to avoid chaning the code that I have.

once again thanks