Data selection based on PO Values.


i am enetring an year . for eg: 2010 in the processing option.Then i need to get all the data correspond to (TRDJ- order date )starting form 1 jan 2010 to 31 dec 2010.How to do with this ,easiest method?
In your Event Rules take the year from the processing options and build the from and start dates 1/1/<year> to 12/31<year>.

Then use the function Set Selection to add data selection on the fly.
Try using the business function N0701020.

This takes in the Year (TAXYR) and returns First day of year (DTE) and Last day of year (DTE).

Then set the data selection
Where TRDJ >= First day of year
and TRDJ <= Last day of year

Hope this helps
If i want to hide footer section, based on certain conditions,on which event i have to write logic?
You can use SUPPRESS SECTION WRITE system function on DO SECTION