Custom DD Items


Well Known Member
Hi List,

I would like to get some input from all/any of you about creating Data Dictionary fields in a World/OneWorld Xe co-existent environment. I believe that JDE does not recommend using the '@' sign anymore when creating custom DD item aliases. The new symbol to use (I've heard) is the '$' sign (i.e., instead of a custom alias of @AN8 we should create the field as $AN8). Does anyone have any experiences where a symbol (i.e., '$') in a DD item alias has caused problems with OneWorld? And what, in your experiences, is the best way to prefix an alias in a co-existent environment so that it is recognized as a custom DD item?

Thanks in advance for any feedback.

OW Xe, SP 20, AS/400
Hi Pom,

You could dowload this document on the knowledge :
ott-99-0006 .
It gives you the JDE rules for custom DD items.


Thanks so much for your reply. However, I have read all the KG docs on this issue (ott-99-0008, ott-99-0028, and oti-00-0060). I guess what I'm really looking for is for anyone who has had issues with using JDE's recommendations (i.e., the '$' (dollar sign) recommendation in oti-00-0060? What standard do most of you co-existent people use most often? Have any of you found problems with using the '@' or '$' in a four character alias field for DD items that will be used in World and OneWorld Xe?