Credit orders (CO - type C) not taken into account in MRP R3483


Dear All,

Credit Orders with return (doc type CO & line type C) are neither taken into account in our Supply & Demand (P34004) nor in Time Series (P3413) nor in MRP generation (R3483).

However P34004 (Inc rules) seems well parametered. Line Type Revision (P40205) and Doc Type Revision (P40040) seem also set-up with right values.

CO orders are displayed in Supply & Demand (with negative quanties) but not taken into account on the available quantity calculation.

I.E :
Item parametring : Lot for lot (no fety stock, no reorder point)
Current Stock : 0
Day+1 : Credit Order : -100
Day+2 : Sales Order : 50

The MRP will suggest to create a PO of 50 qties when I was expecting no PO...

If someone can help me, It would be very usefull.

Many Thanks

Julien Tricard
JDE XE 8.11
Re: Credit orders (CO - type N) not taken into account in MRP R3483

Line type N are non stock items. Why would MRP plan non stock items?


Sorry for the confusion, line type is C and not N.

Thank you
Hi Matt,

Sorry for this mistake.

I would say C and not N.
Thank you in advance for your answer.

Best Regards

Hi there!
If the "C" line type is set up to affect inventory and the supply&Demand rules are including CO/C then it "should" work.
Check the P4210 version used to create the credit orders. It may be set up to commit to "other quantity" buckets and you may need to define how to handle those "buckets" in the availability calculations.

Hope this helps
Hi Julien.

Seems it's not possible as TimeSeries and MRP are not considering the CO-C lines as the "Purchase".

The maximum I reached with this combination is to get it visible in Supply&Demand.

I also agree with my friend, it might be done specially as with customer return you can't really plan your inventory.

You might receive it on expected time but might not. You might hope everything will be in a perfect condition and you can re-sell the inventory but actually - the returned goods might be broken.

Hope that helps.