Copy Items from LIVE environment to Development


Well Known Member
Is there a simple way to copy items from live environment to Development
Environment? Only the Inventory part.

Marsh Rei Narewec
JDE400 Development, Training & Support
Steamships Computer Services
Papua New Guinea
Ph: (675) 322 0245

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JDE/400 7.3 00009
Papua New Guinea
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No, not really. Depending on how much of the item setup you require to have copied:
F4101 Item Master
F4102 Branch PLant
F41021 - Item Locations
F0911 - Inventory $$ records
F4111 - Item History

and if you are using MFG, there are more F30* tables.

You can use SQL and insert specific records from one environment to another.

You can write an RPg program that allows you to select from one and adds to the other

You can copy the entire table. We usually 'refresh' the dev environment from production by clearing the DEV data library and restoring PROD data to the DEV library
oh and don't forget the cost table, F4105 and pricing tables from the Sales system.
Hi Marsh,
What do you want to copy ? Just data ?
I just looking for that .... Thank you very much for the information.

Marsh Rei Narewec
JDE400 Development, Training & Support
Steamships Computer Services
Papua New Guinea
Ph: (675) 322 0245

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Easy: G96, menu option 14, then menu option 16.
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JDE/400 7.3 00009
Papua New Guinea
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