Confuse about BSFN B0800780-StripSpecialsCharsFromString



Active Member
Hi Listers,

Good Day.

I am developing one Report for Finance in which I have used BSFN-30800780 to remove special characters from Alpha name of supplier.

I have tested this BSFN in FAT Client and its working ok but while the same on Web creating problems like its also removing characters like 'I,M' from Alpha Name.

I am not able to understand why this is happening. Is there any way to overcome this or should I need to use any other BSFN for removing special characters.

Please suggest.
Hi Rohit,

There is a SAR for an issue with this function ... 8464854. The comment mentions it not working on the AS/400. Might be worth a look, it's a very small change.

Hi Craig ,

As per ur suggestion, I search on Knowledge Base and found. I have asked our CNC people to install SAR for the same. I hope that they will installed it without any questions.

Will let you know that after updation.

Thanks for your support.