CIS Withholdng tax issues


I have a number of questions regarding the setup in World for CIS Tax withholding for Labour Sub-contract hours.

I have the system setup but there are a number of questions :-

1. When running firstly the P740401 Determine Tax Withholding and secondly the Calculate WIthholding Process, at what Pay Status should the line be at at the start and then add the completion of each stage. As I understood it, the line starts of marked as a "%" and then these processes either change it to an "A" if Tax is to not be withheld and a "H" if Tax is to be withheld from the line.

2. If the voucher has two lines, one of which I would like Tax withheld on, and only this line is marked with an "X" for voucher withheld can just the one line be withheld or do they all need to be ?

3. When I run the process the report is producing no errors but the lines are not setting to H where I require tax withholding - they are setting to A - Any Ideas ?

4.I have set up an AAI for the PCWHLD for the Company that I want to use for CIS - I believe I also need to set up an AAI for Company Zero - Should this AAI contain Obj Acount, Subsisiary etc ?

5. When trying to run Report P740403 Contractor Report for a specific sub-contractor, it seems to report on the wrong address number - ANy ideas ?

Thanks and Regards

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