Chinese Localization Software


Active Member

we have been using JDE One Word ERP8.0 for over a year now in the US. we have a plant in China. we need to bring over 200 users onto the same data base.
I have a few questions about the language display:

1- we want the users in china to view the screens in Chinese, ie, the field headings, column headings etc. Can this be done with the localizaton software on the user profile set up?
2- all the DATA entered into the system has to be in English with a few exceptions:
Part number Description 2- on the item master has to be in Chinese
Address book record for local customers, has to be in Chinese
Journal entry descriptions - In Chinese
Chart of accounts in English, but a field is required to be able to enter some descriptions in Chinese.
How do we achieve this?
Once the user is set for a specific language , can they switch between languages?
are the langueage overrides set up per program?
any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
Hi Shazza

We are running chinese version JDE currently. Some answers as follows
1. The language setting is on the user profile. so you can define users to login as english version or chinese.

2. The way JDE handles multiple language descriptions is it provides a separate table for alternate descriptions. Hence you have
a) Alternate description for Items
b) Alternate description for Chart of Accounts

Address book record can simply accept chinese language input in the standard alpha name and address screen (no problem), same is the case with JE description.

For CoA we are keeping 2 numbers. One is our international CoA. the other is we are using 3rd account number to keep Chinese CoA. In china you need to report using their standard CoA (which are basically category headings really)

I am not aware of language overrides so cant say, but we are switching between languages only by changing language in user profile.

The other important thing is are you on 8.9 and above? if not then its a pain coz JDE is not unicode enabled. hence users have to enter chinese data in a specific codification. ERW forms cant use any font except one or two which accept english and chinese at the same time.

Also getting Menu's translated is a big pain coz there is no standard menu translations available. We havent done this yet and are facing problems of users not understanding english menus.

thats my tuppence worth of feedback. feel free to write back.

Best regards