Checklist Before Release XE for User Testing


Well Known Member
We are going to release XE system for User Testing. We are thinking that we should prepare a checklist for ourself before releasing it to users. Can anybody suggest what should be critical tasks I should include in the checklist( Like UBEs can run on Server) ?

Vivek Mohan
XE, Windows NT, Oracle
WTS server, Thick and Thin clients
Run UBE on Server and Locally - Make sure to view PDF in submitted jobs
Build Full and Update packages for server and client
Check In/Out in Batch Version and OMW

I will send you an email with the checklist we used when we tested OW 7332.

Dave Mallory Denver Water

If you will, please send me the list too. We are new to JDE and will be
going live at a remote location in June. This would be helpful for me
as well. Thank you.

Stacy Barry
Meridian Gold Company