Check For Form Control Error


Is there a way within the event rules of the form design aid to check if an error has been set on a specific control? The errors are set based on the data dictionary attributes (i.e. Invalid UDC Value) and are not set by any custom event rule logic. I need to add some conditional logic; however, it cannot be executed if the control is in error.

-B7334 SP22
-Oracle DB
hi bill, there's a bsfn B9800250 - Get Error Count that will return the number of warnings and errors on a form. it won't give you info about the controls in question though.

Thanks for the information! I’ve used that BSFN before; however, like you said it gives the total form warnings/errors rather than the specific control that is in error. I’ve worked around the issue in the application by simply disabling some fields; however, I’d still like to find out if there is a way to identify if a specific control is in error. Anyone else out there have any suggestions?

-B7334 SP22
-Oracle DB