Bluecoat server to support JDE JAS Server for Static Content?


Active Member
We have our JAS app servers and iSeries on the other end of 2 T1's. We are thinking about putting a bluecoat server in on the other end of our WAN to serve static web content from the JAS web server. Anyone have any rough estimates on how much of the JAS output is static (JavaScript, HTML, etc.) vs. dynamic (output from JSP or Java Beans)? My guess is that the JAS static content is probably less than 20% and therefore a bluecoat server may not be too useful.
When we tested our web compression server, we found around 40%

Gregg Larkin
JDE System Administrator (CNC) / North America
Praxair, Inc.
175 E Park Drive
Tonawanda, NY 14150
(716) 879-3169
Thanks for the reply. I am a bit confused though. Are you saying you turned HTML compression on on your HTML server or are you saying you have some hardware that compresses and/or caches the static web serving? If the latter is true, can you tell me which side of the WAN your hardware is located (ie. the client side -OR- the web app server side). Thanks in advance.
we have a small network device (a boostworks compression server) that
compresses the html over a lan, wan or two tin cans and a string.

Gregg Larkin
JDE System Administrator (CNC) / North America
Praxair, Inc.
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