Base Pricing, Tax and Rounding


Active Member
Dear listers,

I have an issue with pricing of non stock items and setting the correct Base Price (Tax exclusive) to generate the correct retail price (Tax Inclusive)

Take $500 for example. If there's a item priced at $500 (total including 10% GST Tax), when raising an order for it in People soft the GST exclusive price $454.5454 ($500/11 x 10) needs to be entered.
The system will automatically add GST onto it to produce a Tax Invoice.

Now the trouble is: JDE rounds $454.5454 up to $454.55 before it calculates GST. So the GST @ 10% will be $45.46 (rounded up from $454.55 ) instead of $45.45, which makes the invoice total $500.01
If I manually change $454.5454 to $454.54 then the GST will be $45.45, which makes the invoice total $499.99.

Is it possible to set pricing using Base Pricing within JDE so that the correct total, including tax, can be generated as in the above example?
Or does Advanced Pricing need to be used? If so, is this type of rounding catered for?

Many thanks,


Advanced Pricing does provide a way to "control" your rounding. Check out document ods-03-0059 Rounding Rules on the Knowledge Garden for instructions.

Hi Adrian! Have you encountered a solution for this issue?

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