AP Write-Offs


Well Known Member
Hi List,

Is there any AP functionality similar to writing off small amounts on the AR side?

Basically, due to rounding issues, we usually end up with vouchers with 1 penny open balance and the only way to get rid of them is through writing a payment for a penny! I was wondering is there's a way to just clear that out instead...

We tend to put adjusting PV or PD vouchers through for the corresponding amount. We then do 'manual cheques' for £0.00 using a contra account instead of the bank account. This way the items are matched off and removed from the ledger. Not a particularly elegant solution but it works for us! Steve Lawrence, Coral Racing. A7.3 cum 10.

Hi List,Is there any AP functionality similar to writing off small amounts on the AR side?Basically, due to rounding issues, we usually end up with vouchers with 1 penny open balance and the only way to get rid of them is through writing a payment for a penny! I was wondering is there's a way to just clear that out instead...Thanks,J.
A7.3 Cume 11
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Thanks, Steven.

That works for me.

For regular payments, we don't use JDE automatic numbering, the user does key in a check number. Is it possible to have the system assign automatic numbers for the penny payments, though (via a specific version)?

Jeff - We haven't set up a next number sequence either. We just use a made up number containing the vendor number (5 digits) plus a 2 digit sequential number. Eg: 3584601. The 01 being the first matched off item on that vendor and so on. This helps to identify things quicker on the contra account you use to dump the small values in. We tend to accumulate them all in the balance sheet until financial half year/year end and then write them off in one lump with a supporting report. Steve Lawrence, Coral Racing A7.3 cum 10.

Thanks, Steven.That works for me. For regular payments, we don't use JDE automatic numbering, the user does key in a check number. Is it possible to have the system assign automatic numbers for the penny payments, though (via a specific version)?Thanks,J.
A7.3 Cume 11
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