advanced pricing


We are on B73.3.2
If we change a line item on an order (qty or request date), it appears JDE looses the adjustment schedule. The line item price goes to full price without any discount. the F4074 price history records are deleted. So, we are having our CSR's cancel the line and enter a new line for that item on the original order.
I don't see any SAR's for this in the KG.
Anyone else having this problem?
Check to see if you have it set to allow the line to be priced multiple
times? thanks, bobby

If we change a line item on an order (qty or request date), it appears JDE
looses the adjustment schedule. The line item price goes to full price
without any discount. the F4074 price history records are deleted. So, we
are having our CSR's cancel the line and enter a new line for that item on
the original order.
I don't see any SAR's for this in the KG.
Anyone else having this problem?
Hi Bobby;
Thanks for the reply. Still need more direction. Where do you make the setting to allow for multiple repricing. Are you referring to auto repricing? Arthur Andersen was our implemetor. They did not suggest we use auto repricing. I'm a novice in the advanced pricing module. Couldn't find anything in JDE help screens (what a surprise:))

Thanks again;
Only changing the price on the F4211 should cause you to lose your
adjustments (price history). If you are changing other fields this should
not happen and is probably a bug or an environment problem.

Andy Klee
Look at the P4210 to see what version of R42750 that you are calling. Then
going into that version of R42750. There is an update tab that allows you to
multi-reprice the order.... let me know. thanks, Bobby

Thanks for the reply. Still need more direction. Where do you make the
setting to allow for multiple repricing. Are you referring to auto
repricing? Arthur Andersen was our implemetor. They did not suggest we use
auto repricing. I'm a novice in the advanced pricing module. Couldn't find
anything in JDE help screens (what a surprise:))

Thanks again;