21 CFR Part 11 - Adding Audit Config fails


Well Known Member
Hi List,
I'm trying to install 21 CFR 11 on 8.11 (8.94 SP) SQL. I followed all the steps mentioned in the admin guide. i.e. 1) Creeated a Non Julian data source 2) Created the OCM for System and Server map and created triggers. However when i run P9500001 and try to ADD auditing i get an error saying "Data source Business data test has Julian data turned on".
The resolution to this, as mentioned by KG is to Turn off Julian dates for that DB. The problem in my case is that the data source should be the new Non julian data source and not Business data datasource. Even the screen dumps provided by the admin guide show that data source is the Non Julian Data source. I am unable to change "Business data test" to the new data source since the field is disabled.
Does anyone know where i may have missed out or where the change needs to be done.
Thanks in advance,
I would just double check your OCM's. Make sure they are active. We have auditing turned on and all of our Business Data datasources use Julian Dates. I sounds like your new mappings and your new System - 811NJ datasource are not being utilized.