
  1. Error in deserializing body when consuming getSalesOrder Business Service in .NET

    I follow @ONYX's steps to consume BSSV in .NET Visual Studio: https://www.jdelist.com/vb4/showthread.php/42405-Consume-Business-Service-in-NET/page2 I can getAddressBook and lookupWorkOrders with success. But when I try getSalesOrder it throws an exception: Error in deserializing body of reply...
  2. BSSV bad Performance

    Hi Dears, i use "Sales Order Manager " BSSV which is standard one that i use it to retrieve sales orders of specific criteria , actually i create a web portal for company's customers in order to make them login and query about their orders, invoices , and other information. i consume "Sales...
  3. How to create VS2015 Class Library or WebAPI, or WCF to consume JDE BSSV WSDL?

    Hi all, This is my first post to the community so please be kind :) I was tasked to create a .NET client to consume these WSDLs: //http://xxx.x.x.xxx:yyyy/DV910/AddressBookManager?wsdl //http://xxx.x.x.xxx:yyyy/DV910/CustomerManager?wsdl I have scoured the usual online resources and could not...
  4. Calling JDEdwards 9.1 from .net C#?

    Hi, i am pretty new to JDEdwards integration to C#. We have JDEdwards version 9.1. I am working on ASP.NET application and need to query tables and also call business function from JDE system. 1) Can someone tell me which .net driver i need to download? 2) Also, can you share any sample code or...