
  1. E9.2 Calling another section after Driver section data print

    Hey, JDE Developers I am working on Report ,Driver Section is F4102(BSVW),and I created two more section of F4211 & F4311. So, My Aim is I want to print data in that way, If 'ITM' From F4102(BSVW) print(On LBH),then F4211 section field should print and after that F4311 section field data. when...
  2. arrozpegao

    E9.1 BSSV Input class as a NODE

    HI guys, I look for information (examples) to see how i can define in JDeveloper a node as input class. I need to create a webservice with dynamic number of rows through an XML file. if anyone can help me o show the way to start i'll really apreciate Thanks in advance. PD: JDE 9.1 ...
  3. AIS Client Class Generator : JDE Rest Service Call Failed : Status 404 Not Found

    I am trying to use the AIS Client Class Generator for Generating the AIS Classes. But I am receiving the error "404 Not Found". The AIS Link is working and returning the Data through Soap UI successfully. Using Below Versions: JDE 9.1 JDeveloper AISCGE 12c_v1.5.4 Kindly Help Me...
  4. Skills required for BSSV development

    Hello there, I am a JDE developer having thorough knowledge of JDE tools such as FDA, RDA, NER etc. and I have been developing many custom applications using these tools. There's an upcoming project for me where I will be working on BSSV and jDeveloper which I have no exposure to but I would...
  5. JDeveloper 12

    Hi Does anyone knows how to test business services in Jdeveloper 12c THanks
  6. BSSV WebService generation and testing problems

    Hello, guys. After 3 days of struggling with JDeveloper I'm calling on help. Client uses E1 9.2 and JDeveloper 12c. I've been asked to do some job I've never did before. Requirement is to do modifications in BSSVs. So I read through Oracle docs and decided to try to build existing Jxxxxxxx and...
  7. Consuming SSL enabled webservices in JDeveloper

    Hello All, I'm trying to import wsdl of a SSL enabled webservice using JDeveloper in JDE , but facing the following issue "No WSDL can be found" Attached below the screenshot of it for reference.. Any thoughts or insights would be helpful.
  8. Enable BSSV on E910 Standalone

    Follow steps: 1. Install compatible Jdeveloper release. 2. Change jde.ini. Add following section. [MTR VALIDATION] # Use Following Entries for JDeveloper ( Change this version if different) BusobjInMB=350 CDiskInMB=200 DeployDiskInMB=5000 NMakeVersion=6.00.8168.0...
  9. an unexpected severe error has occurred in Jdeveloper

    When I right click on any BSSV java file in jdeveloper I am getting below error . java.awt.IllegalComponentStateException in o.javatools.ui.GraphicsUtils:181 an unexpected severe error has occurred in Jdeveloper The program may be unstable , caught exception...