E9.2 Export Excel Error



Reputable Poster
Hi JDE Friends,

We have a issue (aleatory issue) with some users when they export grid data. Some users download the file but can't open. The file name contains Book 1 - date and time.xlsx

But curiouslly, with my user I can download and open, but in my case download only with Book1.xlsx

All user has the same language (ES). I reviewed in server manager but I don't found specific configuration for export data, only about ActiveX controls.

What could be? why some users download with different file names? why file could be corrupted?

Thanks! Best regards.
I've seen this before, but it was related to the regional setup from the users being different from JDE, e.g. JDE has comma as decimal separator while windows has . as decimals. Also dates formats MDY x DMY. I am not sure if you are facing the same issue. You test by exporting the JDE grid as csv/utf instead Excel.
Thank guys! The difference with Book1.xls and Book1-timestamp.xls seems is windows behavior, when achieves more than 100 downloads instead of Book1(100).xlsx it replace by date and time.

There are a bug recognized by Oracle in our tools: Bug 35735606 - EXPORT TO EXCEL RANDOMLY FAILS IN 9.2.7.X: https://support.oracle.com/epmos/faces/BugDisplay?id=35735606

So, we are applied workaround clean temporal paths, while we are going to migrate higher tools.

Best regards!
Hi folks,

This error happens to in Do you know about it?

I am on and did not see this issue, but also did not download more than 100 times in the same day to same folder, etc; so after downloading something important, just moved the file to a folder in Drive and rename it. And delete the old one for good.