XE questions


Hello List,

1st question: Just to ease my bosses mind!! - We are upgrading to XE in our
test environment in a few weeks. We were curious to know if any one has had
any difficulties after the upgrade in their production environment even
though the upgrade is done in their test environment??

2nd question: Has anyone compiled a “gotcha” list for tricky items in the
upgrade Procedure?? Any help would be appreciated!!

B733.1 SP 11.1
NT 4.0
SQL 7.0

Thanks in Advance,
Kerri L. Lange
Systems Analyst
Hub One Logistics
Voice: (724)274-1158
Fax: (724)274-1147
Email: [email protected]
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We completed our upgrade the other day and haven't seen any issues with
production (also a key concern for us).

JDE did the upgrade so no big lessons learned for us other than it took 9 days
instead of the 3 planned.

Beth Harvey
[email protected]

Kerri Lange <[email protected]> on 11/07/2000 10:28:39 AM

Please respond to [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Subject: XE questions ~~0:585

Hello List,

1st question: Just to ease my bosses mind!! - We are upgrading to XE in our
test environment in a few weeks. We were curious to know if any one has had
any difficulties after the upgrade in their production environment even
though the upgrade is done in their test environment??

2nd question: Has anyone compiled a
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=F6 list for tricky items in the
upgrade Procedure?? Any help would be appreciated!!

B733.1 SP 11.1
NT 4.0
SQL 7.0

Thanks in Advance,
Kerri L. Lange
Systems Analyst
Hub One Logistics
Voice: (724)274-1158
Fax: (724)274-1147
Email: [email protected]

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Upgraded and did not affect production? So... Did you install it and upgrade the DEV environment only? If so, have you told everybody to "stop development" while you have both XE and the other release up? I am a bit curious on OLB733 "sharing" or is this shared?

What was it that caused the overrun? We are planning on doing the upgrade in a week (no mods to apply and no testing of apps). Do you have some suggestions that might help us keep on schedule?


Doug Rezanka
Applications Developer
Eaton - Actuator & Sensors Division
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