Xe monitoring tools


Hi, I wonder if somebody can help me.

I would like to know whether there are any tools available to monitor OneWorld Xe(Even third party software)

We need the following information.

What UBEs are running the most frequent, How much processing power it uses. How long does it take to complete

Any info would be appretiated


You can get UBE frequency and to an extent duration information by monitoring the F986110. Monitoring system impact would depend of the the backend system.

On Windows platform, you can approach many ways:
* Use a tool such as PSList from Sysinternals to extract runtime information about all processes running on your system.
* Use Windows Perfmon to collect general statistics about the system and manually corolate them to the UBE running at the time.
* Query the SYSPROCESSES tables in SQL server to see the impact of your process on the SQL server.
* Run SP_WHO2 on SQL to track down process causing problem.

Good luck
We've been developing a handful of OneWorld/EnterpriseOne monitoring tools for quite some time. We have many individual monitors setup at numerous clients. These typically do things such as monitor package builds, upgrades, available disk capacity, etc. We've also setup business process monitors to keep track of specific metrics (Inventory Turns, Shippnig information, etc).

We use these ourselves so that we can leave during an upgrade and remotely monitor the progress. This allows us to save the client money, and allows our consultants to have a life outside of CNC.

The toughest task we've had has been pulling these all together into one bundle.

- Scott
I hate to agree with an employee with something to gain, but SQLGAL is correct, Centerfield Technology has an awesome suite of monitoring tools for iSeries clients. Hate to say it, though, hope you had a great fiscal period cus' they ain't cheap at all, but if you have them in to demonstrate, make sure the desk or floor where your jaw will drop is clear and devoid of sharp implements. I believe, however, the monitoring is modularized and you can buy as little or as much as you'd like. My favorite was to be able to track what users did in the system, that is, follow what a user did and applications used...can't tell you how many times I've been asked if that could be done.

Thanks for the kind words, Jim! I do not benefit monitarily by any sale, inquiry or install (or anything else I forgot to add). I gain from the experience in finding solutions from the ever-so-numerous configurations. We're always learning - isn't that what these forums are all about?

We're a small iSeries shop with powerful stuff - we can't help the JDE world (ha! or OneWorld) like you or so many other experts....we may be able to assist a few.

Always learning, growing and grateful...

"Code Baby Code"
"what these forums are all about"??!!??

Egads, we're supposed to be helping and information sharing here??!!?? I thought this was a forum for British humour (see, I was learnd' that you spell humor with an extra "u")and British history on the Bank of England, hosted by Altquark...

I'm so sorry, I'm in the wrong place!


Me thinks you standeth out in the eye of hurricane too long, n'est pas?
Nope...it's the after effects of all the carbonated beverages shooting out my nostrils when I make the mistake of reading another Altquark rant with my mouth full!

Regards, and omlette du fromage....
Methinks the colour (there's that pesky extra 'U' again) of this thread hath faded...
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