Work/Temp tables


Active Member

Has anyone a list of work and or temp tables in PRODDTA that can be
regenerated each night. We want to regenerate these tables so that we
can get rid of dead wood and to reduce disk %wio and increase
performance, etc... All suggestions will be appreciated.

Kind regards,
OWXe, SP19.1, U1, Oracle, Solar 7
Hi Gopal

I don't have a full listing of all temp tables or work files (mostly they contain 'UI', 'W' or 'Z' in the table name), but I would like to give a word of warning on re-generation of some tables. In most cases all records in work files are automatically deleted as part of the process and as such re-generation will not give you additional disk space. If these work files on occasion DO contain data, this generally means there is a problem and/or the program was terminated prematurely. If you regenerate these files, you will loose valuable information you may need to recover the situation.

If you are looking for extra disk space you may be better of looking at purge programs.

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