

Rumor? I saw a discussion somewhere that soon Peoplesoft will only =
support JD Edwards on Websphere platform? Can someone shed some light on =
Thank you,

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By JDEdwards, are you talking about World or EnterpriseOne. It is stated in a Roadmap that the Mandatory Infrastructure for all new EnterpriseOne Installs will include:
IBM Technology Stack for EnterpriseOne
Collaborative Portal
Websphere Application Server

However, the next sentence down says that Bea WebLogic will be available for customers using both Enterprise and EnterpriseOne.

For World customers, the Web interface was built by Seagull Software using JWALK components, so I don't think there is a requirement there for WebSphere.
Regarding the JWalk, I understood it to be necessary for Cum 14 & 15 =
only. We are trying to sort out the license key for it, because we use =
JWalk for our EDI Innovis.
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