Web Client Exception Error



It is an upgrade from E810 to E900.I moved custom application to E900. It has only one find\browse form on which, when I attempt to give a find "HTTP 500 error :Internal Server Error" is shooted.

Can anyone help me in this regard..

Did you move the accompanying BSVW, Processing Options, Default
Version, custom functions... or associated objects?


All associated objects; Checked-in with Package Built / Deployed? Does it occur on Local Web (running the J Environment)?

Ya, the application is working fine in local web.The issue was like"Request could not be processed.HTTP error: 500 Internal Server Error.Please contact your System Administrator"

I checked with tables,BSVW,PO. Do I need to check anything else?

Waiting for your valuable reply.

It could be so many things....

Are your prior and current systems the same platform (I don't recall seeing your platform/version/tools info in your footer).... If you are going from Windows to non-windows, the issue could be related to Win32 code in a custom function.

Short of seeing the server log, identifying the error - we can only guess.

- The Application has Processing Options, but a Version has not been created.
- PO Template was not correctly deployed
- Version was not correctly deployed (try creating one??)
- A Custom BSFN has not been converted to UNICODE Syntax?
- A Standard BSFN being used (not Custom)has an updated Data Structure

If you can post the Server log, where the issue occurs (not the 10 gigs, just the snippets... we can do a better job guessing. Otherwise - all we can do is guess.

ciao, are you sure that's a problem only of that application? Because I've never seen "HTTP 500" error related to a specific application. When an object is not deployed error are web exception or anything else but not HTTP 500.
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