Virtual or Remote OutQue to the IFS?



I am trying to figure out if it is possible to create some type of a virtual Qutque or Remote Outque to direct the spool files to my IFS,
Or maybe using the Send TCP/IP Spooled File (LPR) LPR or Send TCP/IP Spooled File (SNDTCPSPLF) ???

I have been trying to find information and I think its possible but I have never done this and its hard to find information.

The Create Device Desc (Printer) (CRTDEVPRT) is also a possibility for this task, but again I am not sure how to setup parameters for any of these commands/functions to accomplish what I need, which is to basically use the Data transform program . . . . . USRDTATFM parameter to apply an overlay and then see if the spool file can be converted to a PDF when placed on the IFS.

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