Version Control Software for JDE Enterprise One 8.10 or UP


Active Member
We are looking for Version control software which can integrate with JDE Enterprise One 8.10 or 8.12 .

Can you please suggest us any good third party version control softward jde enterprise one objects.
Boomerang, sort of... You can export on a per-project basis, with a time
stamp integrated (automated) into the export file name.

I am unaware of any other tool that will allow '
Hi Preddy

I think the only "version control" software that you might be referring to is Boomerang from Everest Software (

Boomerang will allow a developer to make "snapshots" of a specific OMW project while developing - and if necessary, allows the "restore" of a specific "snapshot" at a point in time. True version control.

JDE have announced plans to extend the abilities of product packaging which MIGHT do some sort of version control in the future - but realistically, Boomerang has been around for years, is a tried a trusted method and is an Oracle Partner product.
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