values not printed as desired(processing option)


Hello all,

I have created a Processing option for a report which has the sales order detail(F4211) attached to it, the processing option has DRQJ as the dd item.
When I put the values date from: 01-06-2017 date to: 31-10-2020.. it does not filter accordingly... help please
Processing Options do not automatically do anything. You have to write code to utilize them. Did you write code to add them to the data selection on your section? Or did you set up data selection to reference the PO directly?
Hello all,

I have created a Processing option for a report which has the sales order detail(F4211) attached to it, the processing option has DRQJ as the dd item.
When I put the values date from: 01-06-2017 date to: 31-10-2020.. it does not filter accordingly... help please

Refer to some of the standard jde apps/report to better understand how processing options are used and how to set them.

Hi all,
Thank you for your suggestions.. i was able to get the output by using set selection append and set user selection.. finally i got the output.. :)
Dream Writer Selection vs. Processing Options?

Processing Options do not affect data filtering unless used in the RPG Code to compare, in your case, the SDDRQJ to the value in the processing option. Now if you want filtering then you use the Data Selection values on the Dream Writer. There you can Select records using a specific value, a range of values, or a values list. The the Dream Writer process will build an Open Query file with the selected records presented to the program code.

Also I don't know why but I get the distinct feeling this is a question for E1 and not World. But I may be wrong.
And it is a Technical Discussion and not an Application Specific Discussion. Where are the Forum Moderators?
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