Using Data Selection from a UBE with a dynamic Version Name


I am trying to run a UBE (UBE A) which has a Group Section. The Data Selection on the Section should be based on the data selection being assigned to another UBE (UBE B). The problem is: I don't have the Version name of UBE B hardcoded. There can be 10 different versions of UBE B with different data selections. I should be able to dynamically pick which Version I want to use instead of hardcoding it in design time. The System Function "Use Data Selection from Group / Section" forces me to choose the Version name at design time, which is what i am trying to avoid.

It would seem, your only option would be to hard code the system function 10 times, one for each ube/version and dynamically run the appropriate one.

Here are some business functions that may do what you need, but I don't know how to use them, so you will have to do your own research:

B9600430 RetreiveDataSelection
B31B9570 RetrieveUBEDataSelection
B0000196 UseReportDataSelection
N96NM16C ubeSectionUseDataSelection
Not known how far it works but just wanna share.If I find time I willsuretly try for this.
Get the recent job/version run information from table and pass the same for assiging the data selection of UBE B.
Think F983051 - version list information table gives u the details of version.
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