Use of "http post change" system function


Active Member
Use of \"http post change\" system function

Hi All

I'm trying to use the system function "http post change" function (located in the General group of system functions) in a headerless detail form - more specifically within a push button.

However, when I add the system function to the ER (in Button Clicked event), and I exit the application from design, the ER's fail to validate.

I get the following error:

/* CER ERROR #3041 : Undefined SLBF */
Function Name: P550058_W550058A_73_0
Function Description: ER for W550058A_73_0
Form: W550058A - MLS Batch Detail Maintenance
Control: 73 - Validate
Event: 0 - Button Clicked
Seq #: 57
Line #: 33
Line Text: Http Post Change
/* eSLBFFuncType = 240 */

Can anyone shed any light on what I might be doing wrong?

As to why I'm trying to use it, I have a similar scenario as to the following post (and I'm hoping Christian can tell us what he did to solve his issue)."HTML%20post"&Searchpage=0&Limit=25&Main=81038&Search=true&where=bodysub&Name=&daterange=1&newerval=111&newertype=y&olderval=&oldertype=&bodyprev=#Post81038

I'll change my "signature" to also add that I'm on Tools release
Hope someone can help and thanks in advance.
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