URGENT global table DD specs on AS/400


VIP Member
Hi. We can't run reports on the AS/400. Either the reports hang or if they finish there are objects missing like company title, name of the report.

These same reports run fine on local.

Do we need to regenerate the global tables and DD specs on AS/400? If so, how can it be done? Do we build full global table and DD specs on local and then ftp them up?
Sounds like a central objects issue. Where are you storing these? is this happening on all reports? Have you deployed a new full package recently - to both server and users?
Sounds to me like you not able to process BSFNs from with UBE's submitted to the server. If you have an older full package, you might try to roll the C libraries back or run a LINKBSFN against a know good full.
Hi !

Sounds like a DD issue certainly - best thing to do is to shut down the services, and remove the GLBLTBL.DDB and XDB files (back them up first) as well as the DDDICT and DDTEXT files in the spec directory on the AS/400. When you start up services - these files SHOULD recreate automatically.

If this doesn't work - but JDENet seems to be working - you could TAMFTP the files to the AS/400.

Hope everything works out - I'd love to know how your data dictionary got corrupted - did someone launch R92TAM on the server ?
We tried removing global tables and DD files and they did recreate automatically, but it did not resolve the issue.

We deploy a old full PD package to the server and client, but that didn't work.

What resolved the issue was a new full PD package deployed to the server and the clients.
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